Monday, July 10, 2006

Another Good Day! :)

I did manage to get my butt out of bed this morning and do yoga. I also walked around the block today at lunch.

My calories were 1700 on the head.

140 Oatmeal
140 South Beach Diet Bar
110 Light Yogurt Banana Creme
100 1 c. All-bran Extra Fiber
140 2 slices whole wheat bread
20 Mustard
50 Turkey
170 Orange Juice
130 Kudos Bar
220 2 Tortillas
220 1/2 c. Shredded Cheese
150 1 c. Boca Crumbles with Taco Seasoning
20 4 Tbsp. Salsa
90 2 Dove Milk Chocolates

My wrist is really flaring up so I'm gonna cut this short :)



AM weight = 142.75

1 comment:

Kelli said...

I just found your weight loss blog and it has given me motivation! Congratulations on the weight loss. I'm sure it was a lot of hard work but it proves that people can do it without drugs, surgery, etc! I will definately be a regular reader.