Thursday, July 10, 2008

New Food Journal!

I am sorry that I did not get around to filming the second video blog last weekend.
This weekend we should be good to go though! :)

I got a New Food Journal!

I got a really pretty red leather journal to keep track of my calories!

It really blows my mind how I was “forgetting” that I ate 500 calories! This food amnesia comes from eating while doing other activities. (I was watching T.V.)

Now I am trying to write it before I bite it. This makes me actively think about what I am going to consume. I find I make much better choices, and manage my calories better.

I have lost about a pound since I started using my journal faithfully again. (started on July 3rd) I hope to have my "knee surgery + stress eating weight" will be gone by the end of the year! :)


Anonymous said...

Hi Jess! I was doing a general search on weight loss options exactly two Thursdays ago when I came across your webpage. Ironically, my initial focus that day (to be honest) was to look for yet one more quick-fix miracle. Isn't it funny how we always try to fool ourselves that such little fantasies really do exist even when we can be complete realsits in all other aspects of our lives? At any rate, I happened upon your page and I can safely say it is the best thing to happen to me in a very, very long time. I've struggled with my weight all my life and although I've learned a lot throughout the years, putting all that knowledge into practice has been so darn hard. Your writings have really helped me make that link between knowing and doing. Two days after I devoured (excuse the pun) your page, I began my initiative to become healthy (physically and mentally) again. I've been keeping my food journal (for the first time ever -- even though I've attended programs before where I should have done it, but didn't) and it's made such a difference! I wanted to say a big thank you to you and let you know that I'm looking forward to all your future written and video posts!

Unknown said...

Aw! Thank you so much! I am so glad you like my site. I put a lot of work into it!

I wish you the best as you get healthy! There will be good days and bad days along the way, but you will eventually get healthy as long as you continue a healthy lifestyle. :)

Live well!

Jess :)