Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Weight Still Dropping Fast

I was surprised this morning to see I was down to 147.25 already! It's nice that my weight is quickly heading back towards where I was before Maui, but I am kinda surprised at how fast the extra weight is shedding. Seriously, I have lost 4.75 pounds since Sunday! Although a lot of that was bloat and a big meal still in my belly.

Oh! Speaking of bloat, I feel like I was being extra sneaky to avoid sodium. Aaron and I went grocery shopping tonight. I wanted to get some almonds for a snack. Almonds are high in monounsaturated fats (the ones that are good for the heart) and rich in antioxidants, fiber and plant sterols that help lower bad cholesterol levels! But all the Almonds they had in the nut section had over 200mg of salt per 1/4 cup serving!!!

So I went to the baking good section where I found a 3 ounce bag of unsalted almonds for 99 cents! SCORE!

Life is good! :)


1700 calories today
Walked 1.25 miles for exercise.

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