Wednesday, May 25, 2011

13 week, 2 day ultrasound images.

Today I am 14 weeks pregnant.  The pictures are from the screening test we had on Friday. 

Everything came back looking super healthy and awesome!

We heard the heart beat and it is so crazy to see the new person GROWING in me.
It was so thrilling and scary at the same time!

In a few more weeks I will be able to feel the baby move!!!


wannabe former fatgirl said...

That is crazy, I love ultrasounds :)

He or she is cute already!

Anonymous said...

It's wonderful isn't it? are you going to find out the baby's gender? Blessings!

Girl said...

I have just come across your blog and love it. I am just starting out on my weight loss journey and if I end up as slim and happy as you I will be over the moon. Congrats on the amazing news that is your pregnancy

Laura said...

I've read your blog off/on for a long time now. I am so happy for you! Congrats! I have an 18 month old and moved to the ATL area three years ago :)

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Kash Mutang said...

One thing i can say, Awwwwwww, cute. Love this blog keep it up.

Vikki said...

OOOH EMM GEE you can totally see the baby's little face perfectly!!! Congrats!

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ultrasound paper said...

Nice ultrasound images.

4D fetal ultrasounds are similar to 3D scans, with the difference associated with time: 4D allows a 3-dimensional picture in real time, rather than delayed, due to the lag associated with the computer constructed image, as in classic 3-dimensional ultrasound.


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