She said:
Your blood sugars are great and under control by just your diet and exercise!
Your blood pressure perfect. Baby still measures in the 45 percentile.
Baby's heart is perfect, the flow in the cord and placenta are great.
Then a totall 180'
We should not let you go past 39 weeks and induce you.
I got skid-marks on my brain. Say what?!
It was like a slap in the face. Why tell me how great everything is going and then suggest induction?!
An induction is a medical intervention if there is a risk to the baby and/or mother for the pregnancy continuing.
My baby is not in danger. I am not in danger. There aren't any risks that would really call for an invention.
I reply that I'd prefer to let my birth start naturally.
She then throws out:
But your placenta could stop working and you will have a still birth.
Really? I refuse an totally unnecessary medical intervention for my healthy pregnancy and she instantly says, "YOUR BABY WILL DIE."
I said we can re-evaluate in a few more weeks, but for now -- thanks, but no thanks.
The Due Date is not an expiration date!!!
It's not like the baby MUST be out from my womb by that date or the power is shut off.
I have faith in my body's ability to grow and birth my baby.