AI YORI AOSHI!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Complete Box Set!)
I think I have GUSHED about how much I love this Anime before! It is a super cute lovely tale of a guy and a girl that are perfectly in love each other but have to keep it a secret. (Shhh! ;)
As Children Kaoru and Aoi were engaged and the plan was for Kaoru to take over the Family Businesses. However... after years of abuse from his grandfather, Kaoru leaves and breaks all ties to his family. This leaves Aoi without a finance! (The marriage was more like a business deal to join the companies.) But Aoi can love no other! She has spent her whole life wanting to be his wife, and is willing to leave her powerful family to be with him. Aw! :)
Then things get complicated when they try to live together under the guise of a Landlady, and tenant... and lots of cute girls keep moving in that all have crushes on Kaoru! So they have to hide their affection for each other, PLUS Kaoru has to fight off the advances of at least 4 other women! Too Cute!
I got this reward for making a psychological goal.
"Learn to Recognize Real Hunger VS. Cravings."
I've been so good about realizing that I don't "NEED" chocolate, ice cream, or whatever my mind is screaming "GIMME GIMME GIMME!!!" Like a toddler being dragged from the toy aisle.
When I think of my cravings like that... it's been easier to stop them. I got my reward for being a "good girl" and not whining for treats.
Now I don't have guilt when I have sweets because I know "The Adults" are in charge. ;)